Monday, June 27, 2016

E33: Irradiated Carbonated Pee

Matt and Corinne conduct a totally scientific test on caffeinated/non-caffeinated soda, and discuss Mormon dietary restrictions, excommunicated Mormon historians, hate-mongering Pastors, youth suicide rates in Utah and maintaining a respectful relationship with believers.

The show is also available on iTunes (please subscribe and rate us!). You can email us at and check out our blog at

Monday, June 13, 2016

E32: Tapirs and Indians

Matt and Corinne discuss the essay "Book of Mormon and DNA Studies" and counter responses to anti-scientific apologetic claims that the Book of Mormon is a totally legit historical record.

The show is also available on iTunes (please subscribe and rate us!). You can email us at and check out our blog at

Monday, June 6, 2016

E31: Utah Pride Festival

Corinne and Matt share their experience at the recent Utah Pride Festival, talk about satanists trolling bigots, indoctrination and homophobia and the "New Prop 8."

The show is also available on iTunes (please subscribe and rate us!). You can email us at and check out our blog at